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Art Houze Alive offers a specifically designed and very flexible suite of specialty services that enables each artist/creative venture to gain practical skills and knowledge that will help you build and grow a sustainable small business that will thrive in the competitive markets of Arts & Entertainment.



We were born out of the need and passion to inspire and provide artists and arts focused organizations the mentoring, marketing, business skills, & other resources that you need. It's real, practical information delivered the way us artists like it.


As successful practicing artists and entreprenuers ourselves we’re more than happy to share the secrets of marketing and business development we have discovered and developed over time, as well as provide practical tools and services that are pivotal to your success as an Artist and small business owner, while also increasing the positive impact of the arts on individuals and the community.

On Demand Creative Coaching & Workshops

We know what you are thinking : "I wish my work or product would just sell itself." "I don't know where to start." "How can I make any money." "I'm tired of working for someone else." "I wish I could make enough money just creating."


Sorry Charlie, that's not going to magically happen!! No matter how you look at it, if you want to make a living from your art, you're in business. A creative business, sure - but business nonetheless.


We've got hands on courses and workshops that will help you clarify your vision, get your business in order, and teach you how to build a sustainable career, step by step, from your creative practice. We also provide one-on-one strategy sessions with award winning Top industry professionals as well as access to mentors and coaches that are ready to help you be accountable, be consistent, and stay the course.

Creative Consulting | Branding | Marketing Projects

Are you already rocking your creative business but need a little bit of guidance and assistance to keep you moving forward?


Got an EPK? No? Well do you need One? How about a Bio, Press Release, Marketing or Business Plan written? Need a New Resume or Your Old one Tweaked? Is your Website still just an idea in your head? Inbox full of unanswered emails? Need a Logo or some research done? Feel like you don't have enough hours in a day to ever get those task completed? No Worries..Check out our Crew at YUCKWORK Virtual Assistance Service.


We love taking care of the important projects our Art Houze Alive Family NEEDS to get done, but just doesn't have the time or maybe the expertise to complete. Your location, not a problem, we work virtually as well as on onsite here at Art Houze Alive. We work with clients near and far.



Event Space | Venue Rental

Don’t blend in — stand out! Art Houze Alive - "A Sanctuary for the Creative." - An artfully curated private artist haven nestled on 6 beautiful acres, 30 minutes south of Downtown Atlanta. Inhabiting a 5,300 square foot magically inspiring colonial style space dated 1965. Spread out over 3 floors this space features an Intimate Performance Suite, two Lounges, a Raw creative studio, conference room, dance studio, classrooms & client suites with private baths, a private swimming pool, & a meditation garden. This beautiful gathering spot is a sweetly secluded bohemian retreat for all this Creative. Event perfect location. We Aspire to Inspire!!


Are you an Artist, Creative or Wellness Business, or Freelancer that lives and works South of Atlanta? Need an eclectically unique private space to host your upcoming Listening Session or Album Release, private class, client session, or workshop, photo shoot, band or dance rehearsal, brainstorm session, business meeting, or next creative event?


Check out the versatile space at Art Houze Alive (AHA). It's run by Artist for Artist - We SUPPORT Artrepreneurs!! Contact us Today --

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© 2017 Yuckwork VA Services

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